domingo, 30 de setembro de 2012

A Royal Flush - I'm in!

Hello Sickers!

I'm very happy right now, want to know why?
I joined Ace Creators Team! HOORAY! Haha.
They are amazing and I hope to meet the expectations of everyone who voted for me, thank you! You guys rock!

The site is based on a deck of cards and I am one of the wildcards, not the most lovely thing in the world? x)
The other wildcard is Chris Jocker (it was funny, haha!), congratulations dear!
Thank you all again! 
Check it out as we are sexy dresses like wildcards. x))

I'm posting this here not only to show my happiness but to say that the poses of the previous post is available for download over at Ace Creators!

9 comentários:

  1. YAY! :) And I can't wait to try out that pose pack :D

    1. Can't wait to see these in action in your photos, they are awesome. ;)

  2. Congratulations Alice you're a very talented creator and deserve it! :)

  3. Mais que merecido!!! Amei a notícia! Parabéns!


    1. Receber seu apoio tem sido ótimo, Pah. Muito obrigada, querida. Você é mesmo um amor de pessoa. ♥

  4. congratulations!poses awesome! you're done! Welcome to my blog!

  5. Parabéns bitch <3 (nem conheço e já chamo de bitch, relax, é apelido carinhoso ok? HUUHAAUH).
    Fico feliz por você (: Mas agora vai ser um baita tempo puxado né?
    Bom, espero que o tempo pra S.I.C.K não acabe (:
    E você hein? Nunca lança essa 2ª temporada -.-
    Demore mais um pouco e você receberá uma visitinha minha UAHHUAHUUH.
